This is the UK blog of a 34 year old man from Sussex who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year, charting his attempts to get on with life, keep working, stay married and avoid being eaten by his Border Collie puppy.

Thursday, 20 December 2007


Work ground on. I put up with the silences, the plattitudes about working downstairs as I'd mentioned how I'd bounced down my staircase at home due to my left leg going a bit AWOL and there was a DDA-Compliant panic over me and a staircase. Not enough of a panic to address the out of date public liablity insurance (as clients do site-visit) proudly displayed in the staff toilet upstairs, but a panic none the less. And I'm sure the Disability Discrimination Act was duly complied with. Your honour.

So confronted with a frosty, patronising sandwich on the one hand or unemployment/acquiring a new job/career on the other I decided to look into my rights under the loathsome DDA. I had none. You have to be working for a firm for 12 months and then be declared a cripple to have any rights, from what I read, but I'd only been in for 9 or 10 months so hadn't (pardon the pun) got a leg to stand on. If I'm wrong, please correct me and point me to a lawyer!

Ultimately I chose to resign reasoning that were I the boss, I'd want to get rid of me as the DDA made having me aboard a monsterous liablity waiting to happen as I was employed as a developer but had acquired a disability that could and 60% likelyhood would (that figure again!) remove my ability to read again at some point in the future for a period of indeterminate length. I'd want rid of me. I get that. But I figured if I went then I could at least scrape a good reference as it would be acknowledged that I'd done the firm a favour.

But when I went to quit, on the back of an attack that had taken enough of my vision to put me off driving, they asked that I go freelance. I knew I wouldn't ever get any work from them as if things on my side were strained by the silent treatment to the point that I would go to law, they must've been justifiably pissed off with having a cripple on the PAYE books who couldn't reliably turn up to work for 9-5:30 mon to friday! It was a gentle let down all round, I thought and I walked immediately into a fat 3-4 month contract for a charitable endeavour that pays very nicely. And so to the future.

I now have a mortgage (eep!) and I really don't want to let the wife down so I'm on the hunt for work in February!!

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